BOTM: ICE U.P. ON A STICK - part 1
13. Sep ’18

In my last BLOG about our Bordercross Event in Basel I mentioned that summer is over.
Of course it's not! We only had two days of bad weather (yes the two during our event!) and now it's sunny and warm again.
Its time for an ice u.p. on a stick.
Watch our latest BOTM (Bike Of The Month) video. Fortunately its not from myself but from one of my favourite writers Max actually worth looking at it.
Of course it's not! We only had two days of bad weather (yes the two during our event!) and now it's sunny and warm again.
Its time for an ice u.p. on a stick.
Watch our latest BOTM (Bike Of The Month) video. Fortunately its not from myself but from one of my favourite writers Max actually worth looking at it.