19. Aug ’20
Two weeks ago, I drove up to Basel to spend a few days at the OPEN office (and the family decided to come along and make it a bit of a vacation too). Not a punishment in this beautiful region, and swimming in the Rhine through Basel is one of my favorite little pleasures of the summertime, so it was nice to share that with the family.

Anyway, at the same time, our photographer Marc drove in from Spain so that we had a chance to shoot some videos and photography. We had planned to do that before the launch of the MIN.D., but obviously this is not a normal year. A stark reminder of that came when halfway through the shoot, Switzerland and Germany started putting travel restrictions on Spaniards, messing up our itinerary with Marc making it out just in time.
Nonetheless, we got some work done, so here is the OPEN MIN.D. features video:
And yes, while supplies last, that awesome Cento MIN.D. sweatshirt I'm wearing is available, with every cent of your purchase (not a portion of the profit or a percentage of sales, just simply everything) going to Cento's favorite charity. More here near the bottom of the page.
Luckily there was also time for a ride, and for a flatlander like myself a pretty tough one. In fact, I was so cooked at some point that I didn't have the strength to pull my water bottle out of the cage, rather crucial given the oppressive heat.
I don't think Andy and I have laughed like that in a long time, trying to turn my mishap into a riddle. You know these riddles about a man who is found hanging in a tree without a parachute and a string of stuff behind him or whatever. So this would be about a cyclist found lying dead, completely dehydrated next to a bike with two full water bottles. What happened?
Anyway, here's the video of our first MIN.D.ful ride together:
But most importantly, we were shooting videos and photos for some of the details of the MIN.D., such as the instructions on how to assemble the saddle clamp onto the seatmast. That video is here (and that fundraiser T-shirt is still here):
More details can also be found in our written instructions.
Finally, we shot some videos and photos for upcoming Bikes Of The Month, but that's for a future update. And we also have exciting news to share about complete WI.DE. bikes and the day you thought would never come: the De-fender.

Anyway, at the same time, our photographer Marc drove in from Spain so that we had a chance to shoot some videos and photography. We had planned to do that before the launch of the MIN.D., but obviously this is not a normal year. A stark reminder of that came when halfway through the shoot, Switzerland and Germany started putting travel restrictions on Spaniards, messing up our itinerary with Marc making it out just in time.
Nonetheless, we got some work done, so here is the OPEN MIN.D. features video:
And yes, while supplies last, that awesome Cento MIN.D. sweatshirt I'm wearing is available, with every cent of your purchase (not a portion of the profit or a percentage of sales, just simply everything) going to Cento's favorite charity. More here near the bottom of the page.
Luckily there was also time for a ride, and for a flatlander like myself a pretty tough one. In fact, I was so cooked at some point that I didn't have the strength to pull my water bottle out of the cage, rather crucial given the oppressive heat.
I don't think Andy and I have laughed like that in a long time, trying to turn my mishap into a riddle. You know these riddles about a man who is found hanging in a tree without a parachute and a string of stuff behind him or whatever. So this would be about a cyclist found lying dead, completely dehydrated next to a bike with two full water bottles. What happened?
Anyway, here's the video of our first MIN.D.ful ride together:
But most importantly, we were shooting videos and photos for some of the details of the MIN.D., such as the instructions on how to assemble the saddle clamp onto the seatmast. That video is here (and that fundraiser T-shirt is still here):
More details can also be found in our written instructions.
Finally, we shot some videos and photos for upcoming Bikes Of The Month, but that's for a future update. And we also have exciting news to share about complete WI.DE. bikes and the day you thought would never come: the De-fender.