Talk at Rapha DC pop-up store

Gerard Vroomen 23. Jan ’18 General
A few months ago I did a talk at the Rapha NYC store, and some of you commented that you would like me to do one at the DC store. And we're nothing if not customer focused, so tomorrow I will be at the Rapha pop-up store in DC. The details:

Date: January 24, 2018

Time: 18:30 (meet & greet)

  19:00 (talk)

The event is open to anybody, you don't need to be a Rapha Cycling Club member or an OPEN rider for that matter. We'll talk about pro cycling, gravel and whatever else you want to hear. I'm fretting a bit what else to talk about (but that is my standard MO, I agree to these things and then I regret it soon after). I'm sure enough topics will present itself, it certainly did in NYC, but if you have any particular topics you'd like me to cover, feel free to put them in the comments section.

The NYC one was a lot of fun and a sell-out crowd, so hope to see you there and don't come too late.